Task Shortcut
Zoom in Ctrl++
Zoom out Ctrl+-
Zoom to normal (100%) Alt+1
Pan Hold the mouse scroll wheel down and drag the mouse
Fit diagram to screen Spacebar
Pan with mouse Hold down Spacebar and drag mouse
Delete selection Delete or Backspace
Move selection Make selection and use arrow keys
Block Editing Shortcuts
The following table lists mouse and keyboard actions that apply to blocks.
Select one block Left mouse button (LMB)
Select multiple blocks Shift + LMB
Copy block from another window Drag block
Move block Drag block
Resize block, keeping same ratio of width and height Select block, press Shift, and resize block
Resize block from the center Select block, press Ctrl, and resize block
Rotate block clockwise Ctrl+R
Rotate block counterclockwise Ctrl+Shift+R
Flip block Ctrl+I
Duplicate block Ctrl+C, then Ctrl+V
Connect blocks Select output port, hover over input port, and press Ctrl +
Disconnect block Shift + drag block
Create subsystem from selected blocks Ctrl+G
Open selected subsystem Enter
Go to parent of selected subsystem Esc
Look under a block mask Ctrl + U
Comment out a block Select block and press Ctrl+Shift+X
Uncomment a block Select commented block and press Ctrl+Shift+X
Line Editing Shortcuts
Select one line Left mouse button (LMB)
Select multiple lines Shift + LMB
Draw branch line Ctrl + drag line; or RMB and drag line
Route lines around blocks Shift + draw line segments
Move line segment Drag segment
Move vertex Drag vertex
Signal Label Editing Shortcuts
Create signal label Double-click line, then enter label
Copy signal label Ctrl + drag label
Move signal label LMB + drag label
Edit signal label Click in label, then edit
Annotation Editing Shortcuts
Create annotation Double-click in diagram, then enter text
Copy annotation Ctrl+C then Ctrl+V
Move annotation Drag annotation
Edit annotation Click in text, then edit
Zoom in Ctrl++
Zoom out Ctrl+-
Zoom to normal (100%) Alt+1
Pan Hold the mouse scroll wheel down and drag the mouse
Fit diagram to screen Spacebar
Pan with mouse Hold down Spacebar and drag mouse
Delete selection Delete or Backspace
Move selection Make selection and use arrow keys
Block Editing Shortcuts
The following table lists mouse and keyboard actions that apply to blocks.
Select one block Left mouse button (LMB)
Select multiple blocks Shift + LMB
Copy block from another window Drag block
Move block Drag block
Resize block, keeping same ratio of width and height Select block, press Shift, and resize block
Resize block from the center Select block, press Ctrl, and resize block
Rotate block clockwise Ctrl+R
Rotate block counterclockwise Ctrl+Shift+R
Flip block Ctrl+I
Duplicate block Ctrl+C, then Ctrl+V
Connect blocks Select output port, hover over input port, and press Ctrl +
Disconnect block Shift + drag block
Create subsystem from selected blocks Ctrl+G
Open selected subsystem Enter
Go to parent of selected subsystem Esc
Look under a block mask Ctrl + U
Comment out a block Select block and press Ctrl+Shift+X
Uncomment a block Select commented block and press Ctrl+Shift+X
Line Editing Shortcuts
Select one line Left mouse button (LMB)
Select multiple lines Shift + LMB
Draw branch line Ctrl + drag line; or RMB and drag line
Route lines around blocks Shift + draw line segments
Move line segment Drag segment
Move vertex Drag vertex
Signal Label Editing Shortcuts
Create signal label Double-click line, then enter label
Copy signal label Ctrl + drag label
Move signal label LMB + drag label
Edit signal label Click in label, then edit
Annotation Editing Shortcuts
Create annotation Double-click in diagram, then enter text
Copy annotation Ctrl+C then Ctrl+V
Move annotation Drag annotation
Edit annotation Click in text, then edit